December 22, 2024


Department of Business Administration



Business School offers programs leading of professional relevant quality for students seeking employee in a range of business sector. The qualification are appropriate for a broader range of business or public careers.

BBA & MBA program have been developed and refined to provide an extensive and tested grounding in business. This program aims to develop a broad mix of skills thought practical experience an project work to provide a competitive edge in the market place. All courses in business are designed to develop an in dept understanding of core disciplines of business.

The faculty of Business Administration Offers:

Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA
Master of Business AdministrationMBA (Regular)

BBA Program at a Glance
Nature of the courses and distribution of credits.
The BBA degree programme shall be an integrated one consisting of major, minor core and non-business core courses and two non-credit courses. A chart of course structure is given below.

Nature of courses and assignment of credits

Types of courses  Number of courses Credit
Core30  90
Non-business core 9
Concentration 4   12
Minor2 (To be taken in the 7th Semester)6
VIVA1 Course equivalent  3
Internship1 Course equivalent  3
Non credit courses  2  0

The above courses are distributed to different semesters. A chart showing Semester wise Courses Details with Course ID, Concentration Courses, Description of Code are as follows:

First Year First Semester
CoursesAbbreviationCourse ID
Foundation of Accounting  FDANCC 101
Remedial Mathematics RMNCC 102
English Language Proficiency    ELPNBC 103
Computer Fundamentals CFNBC 104
Bangladesh: Society, Culture & HeritageBSCHNBC 105
Introduction to BusinessIBCBC 106
First Year Second Semester
CoursesAbbreviationCourse ID
Business Communication    BCCBC 107
Business Mathematics BMCBC 108
Basic in Natural Science    BNSNBC 109
Financial Accounting   FACBC 110
Principles of Mangement PMGT CBC 111
Second Year First Semester
CoursesAbbreviationCourse ID
Business Environment BECBC 201
Business Finance BFCBC 202
Business Statistics     BSCBC 203
Micro-Economics MIECOCBC 204
Principles of Marketing PMKTCBC 205
Second Year Second Semester
CoursesAbbreviationCourse ID
Macro-EconomicsMAECOCBC 206
Business LawBLCBC 207
Cost Accounting     CACBC 208
Organizational Behavior OBCBC 29
International Business   INBCBC 210
Third Year First Semester
CoursesAbbreviationCourse ID
Management Accounting MACBC 301
Human Resource Management  HRMCBC 302
Management Information System  MISCBC 303
Production & Operation ManagementPOMCBC 304
Banking & Insurance  B&ICBC 305
TaxationTAXCBC 306
Third Year Second Semester
CoursesAbbreviationCourse ID
Marketing ManagementMMCBC 307
Managerial EconomicsMECBC 308
Auditing  ADTCBC 309
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentEDCBC 310
Operation Research ORCBC 311
Research Methodology REMCBC 311
Fourth Year First Semester
CoursesAbbreviationCourse ID
Business Policy and Strategy  BP&SCBC 401
Project Management    PJTMCBC 402
Major / Minor Courses
Marketing Research   MRMKT 403
International Marketing IMMKT 404
Financial Management FMFIN 408
Corporate Finance COFFIN 409
E-Commerce & Internet Management  ECIMMIS 413
Managing Technology  MTMIS 414
Comparative Management     CMINB 418
International Financial ManagementIFMINB 419
Personnel Training & Development  PTDHRM 222
Labor and Industrial Law   L&ILHRM 423
Advanced Financial Accounting AFAACC 427
Contemporary Issues in Accounting CIAACC 428
Fourth Year Second Semester
CoursesAbbreviationCourse ID
International Finance IFFIN 410
Financial Institutions and Market FIM FIN 411
AdvertisingADVMKT 405
Consumer BehaviorCBMKT 406
Human Resource Management
Contemporary Human Resource StrategiesCHRSHRM 424
Labour Mgt. Relations & Collective BargainingLMCBHRM 425
Management Information System  
Networking & Telecommunication   NTMIS 415
Database Management     DBMMIS 416
Advanced Cost AccountingACAACC 429
Advanced Management Accounting AMAACC 430
International Business
Management of International TradeMITINB 420
International Accounting   IAINB 421
Internship & Project Report (Duration 3 months) 

Specialized Courses will be offered Subject to the Availability of Sufficient Number of Students NN In 7th Semester Students Should take 2 Major courses from one area of Specilization and 2 Minor courses from any other area of Specialization in addition to Core Business Courses.

Concentration Courses
Course CodeCourse Name
MKT 403Marketing Research
MKT 404International Marketing
MKT 405Advertising
MKT 406Consumer Behavior
MKT 407Service Marketing
FIN 408Financial Management
FIN 409Corporate Finance
FIN 410International Finance
FIN 411Financial Institutions & Market
FIN 412Portfolio Management
Management Information System
MIS 413E-Commerce and Internet Management
MIS 414Managing Technology
MIS 415Networking and Telecommunication
MIS 416Data Base Management
MIS 417System Analysis, Design and Implementation
International Business
INB 404International Marketing
INB 410International Trade & Finance
INB 418Comparative Management
INB 419International financial Management
INB 420Management of International Trade
INB 421International Accounting
Human Resource Management
HRM 422Personnel Training and Development
HRM 423Labor and industrial Law
HRM 424Contemporary human Resource Strategies
HRM 425Labor Management Relations and Collective Bargaining
HRM 426Organizational Theory & Design.
ACC 421International Accounting
ACC 427Advanced Financial Accounting
ACC 428Contemporary Accounting Issues
ACC 429Advanced Cost Accounting
ACC 430Advanced Management Accounting

Description of code

CBC- Core Business Course
NBC-Non-Business Core
NCC-Non Credit Course
MIS -Management Information System
INB- International Business
HRM- Human Resource Management
ACC- Accounting